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Out Of Home Advertising for your Business

Posted on by justthink_admin

Outdoor/OOH advertising, such as billboards and bus stop posters, are considered a traditional media platform. However, in the last few years, outdoor advertising has come on leaps and bounds and is now more technologically advanced and interactive than ever. So, just what are the benefits?

Fast Cover Build: a heavy weight campaign would provide high cover build in week 1 reaching 80% of the audience and by week two is giving the frequency of the campaign

Contextual Placement: being located in the right place at the right time – people connect with visual advertising

It’s always on! Outdoor messages are present 24/7, so whatever the time of day or night, the message is seen by the audience.


In recent years, more and more brands are pushing the boundaries between outdoor advertising and social media, especially twitter. The two can be used together to encourage interaction and engagement and use a # to display messages or images from the public on relevant screens, buildings and OOH mediums. Examples of this can be seen in places such as Times Square, Trafalgar Square and also at events such as festivals, football matches and gigs where live twitter feeds are displayed to encourage interaction with relevant brands/events. Some brands are also running competitions on social media where competition entry winners’ photographs can be published on billboards and other OOH mediums.

Outdoor advertising has often been perceived as a more laid back or passive approach to marketing, but with new advances and interactive features, it is becoming more dynamic and advanced than ever before.

To discuss Out Of Home Advertising for your business, contact Just Think today!